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The Island of New Providence

Nassau/Coco Cay, Bahamas: 25.0667° N, 77.3333° W

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Our cruise, the Royal Caribbean

We arrived in Bahamas at last! The cruise is amazing, all we are doing is basically enjoy the cruise we took, the Royal Caribbean International. We got a cabin with the water view, so it is amazing and quite relaxing to watch the water.

Going on a cruise gave us the opportunity to make friends from all over the world. One of the nicest twins we met there were Olive and Bianca, two girls from France. They started talking to us since before we got on the boat. Their cabin is coincidentally right in front of ours. They came with all of their cousins and parents. Since we are only the two of us, we mostly hung out with all the people we befriended and that is making our time on the cruise more fun.

We spent a lot of time in the youth room, where we played video games, watched movies, played games such as Dance Dance Revolution, etc... We also went to the water park, ate from the various restaurants, enjoyed the facilities the cruise had to offer like; trying tai chi for the first time, the rock climbing, fitness centre/jogging track, the masquerade theatre, etc...

The Straw Market

Our first stop was Coco Cay in Bahamas. We were able to go to the Straw Market, where we got the chance to buy a few souvenirs for everyone back home. The Straw Market was pretty sick because it was like a Farmers' Market that we find back home, but here they only sell everything handmade made out of straw. We only stayed here for a few hours, from 8 to 5, so we didn't get the chance to do a lot, other than trying things for the first time; trying the floating beach mat, go on the Coco Cay Nature walk and the Wave Jet tour.

On our way to Nassau, we unfortunately got really bad weather, so we had to stay inside the cruise. But it didn't matter, because there were tons of things to keep us busy luckily! We went to the fitness centre and the spa. We also spent a lot of time in the Youth/teen room with our friends.


When we got to Nassau, we were allowed to go anywhere we wanted and just forget about the cruise for a few hours. However, we have to be back before it leaves or else we'll be stuck here. We went around and with our little group of friends. I really wanted to go to Atlantis since a few years back and it was this was my chance, so my sister and I took the Discover Atlantis tour. Afterwards, we went to see the Pirates of Nassau and finally we went on a Seaworld explorer trip, where we got to see the fascinating underwater world of the Bahamas and it was extremely breathtaking as well as a one-of-a-kind attraction. I have never heard of an underwater observatory until now...


In Nassau, we also got the chance to see a Junkanoo, which is a street parade with music. It was cool and the costumes were different. It reminded me a lot of Toronto, because of how every year they have a Caribbean festival Downtown.

In Bahamas, we also tried some of the typical food and we were finally trying something new, because we were starting to get tired of the American cuisine, because we are so used to it. We had a conch salad and a coconut floating island, which is a dish with rice, a coconut sauce, corn and shrimp.

Now we are heading back to Miami and we only have so much time left with our friends before we say goodbye and go our seperate ways. But, even if it's unfortunately a goodbye to the people I've spent three days with, the adventure keeps going for my sister and I.

A refreshing drink that we had on the Island

Posted by ZK_15 14:43 Archived in Bahamas Tagged me sunsets_and_sunrises beaches people travel adventure discover

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